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Неверный ввод

Неверный ввод

Неверный ввод

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На постоянной основе закупаем пшеницу твердую, пшеницу мягкую, рапс, лен, ячмень *** На постоянной основе реализуем продукцию собственного производства муку пшеничную хлебопекарную в/с, первого сорта, второго сорта, отруби пшеничные пушистые. *** Реализуем семена масличных культур - рапс, лен. *** Реализуем пшеницу твердых и мягких сортов всех классов, ячмень.***

SevYesilZerno LLP is a reliable flax and rape supplier.

SevYesilZerno LLP is a reliable flax and rape supplier. If You want to buy Kazakhstan flax or rape, you should better contact our office. Experienced managers will consult You on the cost, timing of shipment and other important issues on supply of flax and rape. 

As a rule, rape is divided into two species – spring rape and winter rape; it is an international classification. The stalk of the crop is branched. Rape belongs to the cabbage family and sometimes the stalk height reaches a meter and a half. Spring rape contains about 35-40% of oil in the seeds while winter rape has about 45-50%. Thus, winter rape is, of course, of more value. Winter rape is planted a few days earlier than winter wheat: in the second decade of August. Usually it is planted in a wide-row way. Spring rape is planted at the same time as other spring crops.

Flax has more than one hundred species. Common flax is the most important for agriculture. This kind of flax is subdivided into the following three species: 

-fiber flax;

-crown flax;

-intermediate flax.

There is also a ground flax but this plant grows wild and is not used in agriculture except for the purposes of crop breeders. 

The fiber flax has naked (or almost naked) stalk which is up to 110-120 cm. This flax is used for fiber production. 

Oil flax (or crown flax) has several branching stems. It can be half a meter high. In comparison with fiber flax, it has twenty times more flax bolls. 

Intermediate flax is a plant which is somewhere between fiber and crown flax. It has a branching stalk that reaches a height of 70 cm It is used for making twine and other coarse fabrics. The main purpose of growing of this flax is also getting oil for food and consumer industries.  

It is noteworthy that flax is a very ancient crop which is of great importance in agriculture of any country. 

The flax stalk has an interesting structure which makes it one of the most popular crop for textile fibers. The outer layer of the stalk is thin film which has fibrous bundles glued together with pectin underneath. Bundles contain ultimate fibers. Each ultimate (indivisible) fiber can be up to 12 cm long. 

Flax needs particular soil treatment. It also needs closed drill planting. Sowing, growing and manufacturing of flax are very time consuming. 

SevYesilZerno LLP is focused on supply of oil flax. Flax and rape seed undergoes quality control at all stages. Customer receives high quality seeds that conform to all international quality standards. 

In Kazakhstan and in the North-Kazakhstan region in particular flax and rape are cultivated by skilful and experienced farmers. SevYesilZerno LLP can ship Kazakhstan flax and rape in the amount of up to 10 tons at a time both by water and by land. Departure station is Petropavlovsk YuUZhD. SevYesilZerno LLP is capable to supply up to 100 wagons of seeds per month. That is why if You are looking for Kazakhstan flax or rape, please, contact us. See the phone numbers in Contacts section. 

The amount of seeds in a railway wagon is about 64-68 tons. 

We are trusted by many companies from different countries and regions. Please, contact us if You are looking for a reliable supplier.


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