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Неверный ввод

Неверный ввод

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На постоянной основе закупаем пшеницу твердую, пшеницу мягкую, рапс, лен, ячмень *** На постоянной основе реализуем продукцию собственного производства муку пшеничную хлебопекарную в/с, первого сорта, второго сорта, отруби пшеничные пушистые. *** Реализуем семена масличных культур - рапс, лен. *** Реализуем пшеницу твердых и мягких сортов всех классов, ячмень.***

Grain procurement

"SevEsilZerno" LLP has its own elevator with storage capacity of 30 000 tones and performs the entire cycle of works with grain:

  • reception of grain by motor vehicles and railroad cars;
  • cleaning and drying of grain;
  • shipment of grain into railroad cars;
  • shipments of grain into motor vehicles.

Alongside with access roads the elevator has its own railway siding. This is undoubtedly a great advantage of our elevator over other mini-elevators of North Kazakhstan region. 

Our experienced technicians perform sampling and testing of samples.

"SevEsilZerno" LLP consistently purchases the following grain from agricultural producers  :

  1. soft wheat (Triticumauestivum L) of 3,4,5 grades
  2. flinty wheat (TriticumauestivumDesf) of 3,4,5 grades
  3. barley of 1,2 grade,

Grain is receipted from 9-00 till 18-00.

Grain is receipted in 2 shifts during harvesting works.

"SevEsilZerno" LLP acquires grain in its own elevator located to the address: 116a Leningradskaya St., Petropavlovsk, and in the other elevators of the region:

  • "Ayirtauskiy elevator" LLP — Volodarovskaya station, Ayirtauskiy rayon;
  • "KhPP Ugolki" LLP — Ugolki station, Ayirtauskiy rayon;
  • "Dostykskiy elevator" LLP — Yanko station, Ayirtauskiy rayon;
  • "APK Igilik product" LLP — Yanko station, Ayirtauskiy rayon;
  • " Ayirtau-Astyk" LLP — Yanko station, Ayirtauskiy rayon;
  • "Smirnovskiy elevator" LLP — Smirnovo station, Akkayinskiy rayon;
  • "Kiyaly-Astyk" LLP — Kiyaly station, Akkayinskiy rayon;
  • "Tokushi-Astyk" LLP — Tokushi station, Akkayinskiy rayon;
  • "Ivan Zenchenko" LLP — Smirnovo station, Akkayinskiy rayon;
  • "Aschigolskiy Elevator - Sever" LLP — Aschigol station, Akzharskiy rayon;
  • "Talshik-Astyk" LLP— Talschik station, Akzharskiy rayon;
  • «Grain Storage № 7» — Daut station, Akzharskiy rayon;
  • «Grain Storage № 2» — Novoishimskaya station, G. Musrepov rayon;
  • "Elevator TSelinniy - 2006" LLP — Pervo-Tselinnaya station, G. Musrepov rayon;
  • "Zhumabek" LLP — Novoishimskaya station, G. Musrepov rayon;
  • "AZKO" LLP — Novoishimskaya station, G. Musrepov rayon;
  • "Vest-Agro" LLP — Novoishimskaya station, G. Musrepov rayon;
  • "Atameken-Astyk (uchastok № 1)" LLP — Novoishimskaya station, G. Musrepov rayon;
  • "Amanat-LTD Company" LLP — Novoishimskaya station, G. Musrepov rayon;
  • "Ak Nan Sever" LLP — Novoishimskaya station, G. Musrepov rayon;
  • "Ishim-Garant" LLP — Novoishimskaya station, G. Musrepov rayon;
  • «Grain Storage № 4» — Baumanskaya station, Zhambylskiy rayon;
  • "Kayrankol-Astyk" LLP — Kayrankol station, Zhambylskiy rayon;
  • " KID Trade " LLP — Kayrankol station, Zhambylskiy rayon;
  • "Asyl-Dan" LLP — Mamlyutka station, Kyzylzharskiy rayon;
  • "Bulayevskiy elevator" LLP — Bulayevo station, Magzhan Zhumabayev rayon;
  • "TynZher" LLP— Bulayevo station, Magzhan Zhumabayev rayon;
  • "BulayevAstyk" LLP — Bulayevo station, Magzhan Zhumabayev rayon;
  • "Mamlyutskiy mukomolniy kombinat" LLP — Mamlyutka station, Kyzylzharskiy rayon;
  • "Beskaragay" LLP — Chkalovo station, Tayinshinskiy rayon;
  • "Aymak" LLP — Oktyabr station, Tayinshinskiy rayon;
  • "Ak-Zhar" LLP — Prirechnaya station, Tayinshinskiy rayon;
  • "Elevator Tayinshy - 2006" LLP — Tayinsha station, Tayinshinskiy rayon;
  • "Galamat XXI " LLP — Zoltorunnoye station, Tayinshinskiy rayon;
  • "Aksuatskiy elevator" LLP — Aksuat station, Timiryazevskiy rayon;
  • "Timiryazevskiy elevator" LLP — Suly station, Timiryazevskiy rayon;
  • "Soltustik Ъ " LLP — Belogradovka station, Timiryazevskiy rayon;
  • "Atameken-Astyk (Uchastok № 2)" LLP — Suly station, Timiryazevskiy rayon;
  • "Kzyltuskiy mukomolniy kombinat" LLP — Kzyltu station, Ualikhanovskiy rayon;
  • "KhPK Petropavl-Astyk" LLP— city of Petropavlovsk, Petropavlovsk station;
  • "Sultan EMMK" JSC — city of Petropavlovsk, Petropavlovsk station;

Prices are negotiable, based on the amount and average market prices in the region.

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